On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 4:52 PM, ഓം <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> After spending whatever years playing with Linux I still find people
> who do neither know free software nor that indian languages are
> available freely on Linux and that one does not need to buy software
> like Ankur to just write in Marathi.

When you have (as you say) found those people, why not write to them
personally ? IMO, that would be better.
A small signature under every email you send to anybody, saying 'Linux is
free software. You can write even in Indian languages using it!' should
accomplish what you wish to do. A link to a good tutorial would be even more

> .
> .
> Because all these people  and things matter to Linux.

But, how is anything that you have mentioned about Linux and people
education etc.  related to the 'Un Copying!! :-)' post of yours ?

My question was directed at such posts of yours, not at your intentions in

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