On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 7:41 AM, Arati Dikey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you.
> I will but the latest PC magazine.
> I read below statement on http://www.plug.org.in/software.php .
> 'PLUG would request individuals/organizations to Buy the free software from
> the official distributors as far as possible'.
> That is why I enquired about the official distributors.
> Regards,
> Arati.

Being specific and to the point (what a rare occasion :-).

People are encouraged to buy from vendors (alias distributors)
official copies of their distribution where such distributors are
providing (un)paid support, and there is likely to be a commercial
organization involved.  It just gives the organizations a sense of
belonging to the legal landscape.   It is like acknowledging the
existence of organizations which have become successful by helping
nurture and improve Linux.

It is an idea to continuously encourage them, because many of them
also happen to be substantial contributors of OS Linux.

*Officially copying* distribution without being on the wrong side of
the *law* is what makes Linux great.

One could easily steal DG Copiers' slogan "आम्ही चक्क कॉपी करतो"

Now on this point above there could be a healthy argument....

Anyway there is nothing unofficial about using Linux.  Just decide
whether you want to monetarily encourage others as well.

And yes... new users joining the Linux community is encouragement
enough for most because they know something is still ticking for
others to switch over to Linux.

Shear no. of users using Linux is also good because of the eyeball
associated with Linux sites etc...
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