Mehul Ved wrote: > On Sun Jun 22, 2008 at 07:04:52PM +0530, Arati Dikey wrote: >> I would like to purchase them from official >> distributors if possible. > > Any reason to prefer 'official distributor'? You can always get it from > someone on this LUG. But, for some reason you want 'official cd's' like > for giving in a workshop or so, you could order from >
I believe that Arati is not aware that there is no license applicable for distributing Linux Distributions. By no license I mean no EULA kind of commercially binding license. Arati, you can download, copy and distribute freely copies of Linux distributions as most of them are licensed under GNU /GPL. This is applicable, even if you need to distribute copies at workshops or any place. Hence any copy of the distribution is official! Cheers Aditya -- ______________________________________________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: ( List Information: Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.