On 10/17/07, ಓಂ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > This all happened when I told them I do not want Vista and I want to > have system with FreeDOS so that I could install Linux on it. They > inquired what is the intended use. after I declining their offer for > XP-PRO license of Rs 6k+/- > > The words "I want to Use Linux" did the trick...
So HCL sells laptops without an OS (maybe just FreeDOS) ? That is indeed cool. If they sell you a clean one, no need to bother them with installation, you can take it home and install on your own (and enjoy the process) ... Once you get the laptop and are done with the install please post your results :-) -- "Thou shalt not follow the null pointer for at it's end madness and chaos lie."
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