> On Monday 15 October 2007 12:30:04 ಓಂ wrote:>
> > Thanks.. I am halfway successful in locating HCL in Pune...

Off Topic: Thought I would post my results trying some distros on a HP
tablet :-)



Back on topic:

So even though your favourite distro does not work while testing a
live CD boot, you might get it working when you actually install and
tinker with settings.

Another tip, some live CDs have issues with laptops and you need to
provide boot params such as "noapic" and "nolapic", so its good to
know these when test booting on HCLs, for example Ubuntu Gutsy beta
needs these params to boot into the live desktop on my tablet...

"Thou shalt not follow the null pointer for at it's end madness and chaos lie."
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