--- à²à² <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Most people who know all do not respond usually so quickly :-) > > Thanks for granting that title so quickly. > > Your mail did not mention what all you did, neither there was a clue > to look for, for us poor souls who are willing to help... > > Hope this helps *you* next time
I did a text book install (though guilty i did not mention it explicitly so) and arrived at a point at which i got stuck. posted the message where I thought it got stuck. so if anyone had a similar encounter they could tell me. There was nothing more to it. but I am glad it resolved itself.. Because i did pretty much everything i did the first time around. in anycase, lets not waste bandwidth for the rest of the pluggers. sorry about that folks. regards abhishek ____________________________________________________________________________________ Need a vacation? Get great deals to amazing places on Yahoo! Travel. http://travel.yahoo.com/ -- ______________________________________________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.