On Mon, 2007-10-15 at 22:17 -0700, Abhishek Daga wrote:
> trying to set up ubuntu 7.04 server on AMD 64 bit dual core machine
> with ASUS Mboard. 
> tried setting this up as RAID. but when it booted up for the first
> time, i got the message, something like not a clean array and then it
> finally got stuck in 
> "running local boot scripts (/etc.rc.local).
> While installing i did select both DNS and LAMP servers.
> its been stuck for over 30 min at this point. what should I do?
> thanks
> abhi

Please post the details for ASUS Motherboard, what chipset does it has?
and search for sata raid + linux. Most Desktop boards comes with the
Fake RAID, which are not true hardware RAID, but can be managed by bios
and "md" in linux.
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