--- Abhishek Daga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- ಓಂ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Sometimes in situations like this I do following (provided I have
> not
> > read the fine manual already).
> > 
> > Shutdown the whole damn thing!
> > Go for a walk and think of how I can solve it myself starting from
> > the
> > scratch...
> > 
> > Sometimes it does help to read the documentation first!
> > 
> > Wish I could have been more helpful than this!
> you know what they say about assumptions right?
> You are assuming that I did not try all the following (including the
> walk). so if you have nothing positive to add, why bother?
> wish I could be clearer than this.

Anyway, so while mr. know-it-all was busy patronizing, I just did a
complete reinstall (completely deleting and recreating the partitions)
i did get a login prompt this time. 

tying to get the RAID issue resolved for now..hopefully with a couple
of more patronizing mails from know-it-all, things may be smoother on
that front too.

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