On 5/16/07, Aditya Godbole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 5/16/07, श्रीधर नारायण दैठणकर <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Wednesday 16 May 2007 10:07, ॐ wrote: > > I *think* US patents are valid in India thanks to WTO..
As far as I know, US patents are *not* valid in India and vice versa. I also don't think its under the ambit of the WTO, there might be some other organization of the UN handling these things. (I think) what that means is that if you go to the US, and they arrest
you for patent infringement of their patents, the Indian government cannot help you much.
You cannot be arrested in US for infringement of patents in India (even US patents) What you cannot do is sell the product in the US, then it would amount to patent infringement in the US, and you could get sued. -Devendra Laulkar.
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