On 5/16/07, श्रीधर नारायण दैठणकर <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I *think* US patents are valid in India thanks to WTO..
I should rephrase my earlier response as "Maybe, but" instead of "No". WTO cannot enforce an alien patent on what intrinsically cannot be patented here. For example, if it did, you might not be able to perform certain Yoga postures, or grow certain varieties of rice, or use neem or turmeric extracts in indigenous medicine any longer. OK, the US patents on the last two have been invalidated now. See this post on Groklaw about the Indian stand on software patents: http://www.groklaw.net/comment.php?mode=display&sid=20050420124923704&title=Software%20patents%20stopped%20in%20India-links&type=article&order=&hideanonymous=0&pid=0#c303721
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