Also there is a treaty between United States and India, under which, if you commit offense that is punishable in a court of law of united states, and you happened to be in India sooner or later (mostly because you are sitizen of India), then you need to be tried in India not in United States. You cannot be extradited to united states nor taken to Guantanamo Bay! Thats is like saying everybody follows all the laws (even the ones they themselves wrote) when they want to act benevolently or otherwise!
This was a small news I read about 5 years back. Details of this need to be *dug* (thats **PUG** with ***P*** rotated 180 degrees) using RTI act. :-) -- "Everything is a piece of art till it hurts you" -- ______________________________________________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: ( List Information: Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.