Hi Guys,

Yesterday I upgraded my ubuntu 5.04 to 5.10.
Its a 2 command process! apt-get update and apt-get
dist-upgrade - that's it!
And the best part is that it doesnt damage your data
that's present in your home!

Can you share any successful upgrade of other distros?
Is the complete OS upgrade possible in 1/2 clicks or
commands on say fedora or suse/mandriva?

To Debian gurus: I think that the .deb files present
in my /var/cache/apt are of breezy. So tomorrow if I
need to install 5.10 on some other machine, I can 1st
install the 5.04 and then just do a dpkg -i *.deb for
these deb files, right?

(Btw the cd burner of nautalis is not working. I have
a re-writable cd with some stuff (ark linux - which
doesnt even install) already burnt on it. I want to
erase that and burn these .debs.)


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