Hello A,
> Can you share any successful upgrade of other distros?
> Is the complete OS upgrade possible in 1/2 clicks or
> commands on say fedora or suse/mandriva?
Auto upgrades are soon becoming passe in most linux distros. In
Mandriva, this is also a two step process. one has to execute the
command "urpmi --auto-select" (after adding the correct repositories of
course, using urpmi.addmedia). I did this for a 2005LE to 2006 upgrade
without issues.
In fedora the equivalent is "yum upgrade" IIRC, which also works pretty
much flawlessly I hear.
SUSE also has something similar I believe. Tho' I do not know the details.
BTW does anyone here know anything about Delta RPM ? seems like a neat
idea. It was added to Mandriva 2006.
Good things are happening in linuxland :) !
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