--- Gurudatta Raut

> --- A G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> > Yesterday I upgraded my ubuntu 5.04 to 5.10.
> > Its a 2 command process! apt-get update and
> apt-get
> > dist-upgrade - that's it!
> Thats it ? I am discouraged to use Ubuntu any time
> in
> future after reading the above lines, I hope U didnt
> had to type thoes commands. 

I have put these commands as a script on my desktop.
So when I want to upgrade to 6.04, I just need to
double click the file.

As for the GUI upgrade, there was some icon telling me
about it. But I went the old fashioned way. So I cant
talk abt the GUI based upgrade.

> If so, I recommend using
> some Linux distro that dosent required command

Btw can you pl also tell the distro name instead of
just giving an open ended statement?

Also tell me whether the other distros that you are
talking of will allow me to share the upgrade with my
friends who doesnt have the time/internet bandwith?

Means suppose I and you both have older version of
mandrake and then you upgrade ur system to the latest
mandriva, will you be able to share the downloads with
me and upgrade my system also to the latest mandriva?


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