On 9/12/05, A G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 I would like to share my Ubuntu updates with other
 friends of mine. How can I do it?

 My friend also has base Ubuntu installed, but does not
 have a net connection.
 So how do I share my wares with him?
 Sharing in Windows is quite easy. You can just burn
 the install/setup files and give it to the person. Is
 there any similar way?

For most of the programs u can always download the .deb files and burn
them for your friends, You should list down the dependencies of the
program from synaptic... and include those deb files too.  You will
find all the deb files in repositories... from your sources.list.
But remember!!! This will be very confusing for applications with
large dependencies.. e.g. KDE. In this case it will be advisible to
get Kubuntu CD and apt-cdrom it.  or else you can make ur local
repositories... follow

transfer the repositories to cd then to friend and then he can apt-get it...


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