On Saturday 05 Feb 2005 2:28 pm, BAIN wrote: > > This i however not true, i successfully accessed my cjb.net pop
Hi, I guess, I was not clear in my mail. With this connection, a user is also provided a "dataone.in" mailbox. You get [EMAIL PROTECTED] mail account. That is not avaiulable through POP, it is only web based. I am also accessing my vsnl mails (POP access) through Kmail. However, I am unable to send them through Kmail; I get service not available error. Any solution for that? I am a user of computers, and novice in computer technology! May be there is some solution by which I can by-pass vsnl server and use my computer as mail server to send mails through KDE, but I wouldn't know how :-D I normally access my mails through KDE and send replies as and when I can think of appropriate reply, it is seldom immediate. So I need to send the reply through KMail. At present, I am using vsnl dialup for sending mails. Any help will be appreciated. Another issue I am facing relates to connect. I have to become root to issue "adsl-start" command to initiate the connection. "./adsl-start" responds - You have to be root to use this script. I am using MDK 10.1 and could not find any relevant command in menu. Also, I have selected connect at boot option during setting up the connection. However, the connection is not established at the boot time. I have to connect after logging in. Is there any way to ensure connection at the boot time? Failing which, is there any option which enables any user to connecting, without becoming root (su)? Vikas Garud -- ______________________________________________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/mailing-list/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.