On Saturday 05 February 2005 14:28, BAIN wrote: > > I got the BSNL broadband connectivity today. Overall my experience is > > positive. > > Yappie!!!! so did i....
Yeah...very exciting experience for me as well....I have an annual subscription for a 512k connection!! > > I had initiated the setting > > up of the mdem thorugh "Network and Internet" under "configure your > > computer" in my Mandrake (10.1) installation. It is ADSL, PPPOE > > cnnection. > > I am using knoppixx and the config is under > KDEMenu->KNOPPIX->Network/Internet->ADSL/PPPOE connection I used Suse's Yast|Network Devices|DSL...Its one of the neatest and coolest setups....No clunky clients; no proprietary protocols! > Yes the connection speed varies between 160kbps to 240kbs for me YMMV > according to distance from exchange. I am getting this from from Bandwidthplace ==> 609.4 kilobits per second Communications 609.4 kilobits per second Storage 74.4 kilobytes per second 1MB file download 13.8 seconds Subjective rating Not bad Nice!! I still havent gotten my username/password, but I am using a temporary authentication... > In all 9.8 out of 10 points for the service so far i will give the > remaining 0.2 points when they keep the record same after completing > one year. I hope so...I have an annual authentication plan! BTW does someone know about smpppd accounting? I could use some help to analyse my consumption there... > Cheers -- /Sumeet Very few profundities can be expressed in less than 80 characters. -- ______________________________________________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/mailing-list/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.