Hi All, I am a re-newbie to Linux. A couple of weeks ago I got my hands on Lycoris linux. When I tried to install lycoris, it screwed my hdd big time. It never booted - which it should have, it never gave me the dual boot option - which it should have. I could boot from my dos floppy and access C:, but lycoris mess-up never allowed me to create any file from dos. I could just view. I had win98 se installed at that time. I though of trying to overwrite the mbr with my my win98se setup. But 98se setup used to abort. I had to DELETE my primary partition to make my system (win98se) work!
Can anyone tell me what could hv gone wrong? My C: is 10 GB, D is 10, E is 15 GB and F is the remaining of the total of 40 GB. Is its because lycoris cant recognise large partitions. I remember in year 97, 98 that red hat didnt work fine with large partitions. I used red hat in late 90s. But then gave it up for the easy of use of 98se. I thought that lycoris was the better of linux for DESKTOPS. But I am thoroughly shaken with this linux experience. Can anyone tell me which linux works fine as a good desktop? It should atleast be as easy to use as win98se. (Btw, before this linux mess-up, my win98se worked fine for 5 years.) I also hv knoppix. Can anyone tell me how to install it to the hdd? I would like to install it on my last partition (F:\). ~A. ___________________________________________________________ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun! http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com -- ______________________________________________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) List Information: http://plug.org.in/mailing-list/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.