On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 10:31 PM, Fabian Greffrath <fab...@greffrath.com> wrote:
> control: tags -1 pending
> Am Donnerstag, den 21.03.2013, 22:32 +0400 schrieb Alexander V.
> Kudrevatykh:
>> It will be nice if libdca0 starts use multiarch
> Fixed in GIT and ready for upload.

Not copying the bug, but still relevant for the team. This package
does not appear on PET in the "ready-to-upload" section:

Moreover, I've noticed that Fabian has removed himself from Uploaders.
That's okay, nobody can be forced to work on package he does not feel
like, but I also notice that now only Sam is left in the Uploaders

Sam, I did not notice any commit or even email from your side since
the two Alioth teams have merged. Last time I asked you about your
motivation, you replied that you wanted to become active again "soon"
but that also was ages ago. May I suggest that we remove you from the
Uploaders list from pkg-multimedia packages for now? You are of course
welcome to add yourself back as soon as you find the time for
packaging stuff again. Thanks for your understanding!

Having said this, this leaves the libdca package with no supporters at
all. I would therefore formally orphan the package in the next upload,
unless supporters object and add themselves to the Uploaders field.

Reinhard, the pkg-multimedia police office on duty.


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