On Sat, 9 Feb 2013 20:55:10 +0100 Sebastian Ramacher wrote:

> On 2013-02-09 19:31:28, Francesco Poli wrote:
> > Please let me know how the discussion with upstream develops, since I
> > am having a hard time in understanding their replies (this is not the
> > first time, it seems).
> There won't be an option for that.

That's really disappointing.

> But there is an "easy" workaround for
> the problem: Create a shell script containing something like
>   #!/bin/bash
>   /usr/bin/gnome-mplayer --volume 20 "$@"
> called gnome-mplayer somewhere in your $PATH before /usr/bin. Also make
> sure that software volume control is enabled.

This workaround is a kludge!

I know how to create launch scripts, but seeing upstream developers of
a graphical front-end for a video player recommending that *each* user
(with a need to easily configure the initial volume) create his/her
own launch script with a hard-coded configuration value is really
discouraging...   :-(

> Since there is a workaround and there won't be any other fix for this,
> I'm closing this bug. I hope this helps.

Frankly speaking, I am not happy with the way the upstream developers
deal with bug reports coming from users.   :-(

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