On Thu, Feb 13, 2025 at 9:37 AM Alexander Burger <picolisp@software-lab.de>

> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025 at 08:50:16AM -0800, Lindsay Lawrence wrote:
> > I think it is also a good a test/example of picolisp's support for
> bignums.
> Indeed. The numbers in the 'E' environment get quite big. After ten
> thousand digits of PI, 'S' and 'Q' have 145746 digits and 'R' has 145748
> digits.
> I verified that the first hundred thousand ouput digits are correct.

A bit of searching came up with the paper with the haskell version


Interestingly enough there is another version of PI in there, recursive,
based on the Gosper series,
that a faster... although it is based on a conjecture they haven't proven
in that paper.

The picolisp version of that one is below ('tco' is a nice fit for it as

(de piDigits (N)
   (default Q 1 R 180 S 60 I 2)
      (Q R S I N)
               (+ (* 3 I) 1)
               (+ (* 3 I) 2) )
                  (* Q (- (* 27 I) 12))
                  (* 5 R) )
               (* 5 S) ) )
         (prin Y)
         (if (or (not N) (gt0 N))
               (* 10 Q I (- (* 2 I) 1))
                     (+ (* Q (- (* 5 I) 2)) R)
                     (* Y S) ) )
               (* S U)
               (+ I 1)
               (dec N) ) ) ) ) )

On my machine that outputs digits of PI like below

: (bench (out "pi-digits.1.txt" (piDigits 10000)))
8.751 sec
-> NIL
: (bench (out "pi-digits.1.txt" (piDigits 50000)))
117.745 sec
-> NIL
: (bench (out "pi-digits.1.txt" (piDigits 100000)))
613.212 sec
-> NIL


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