> How about a coroutine version?
> Neat! You have options over what to do with the digits with the coroutine.
And negligible difference in performance, if it matters, either. I didn't
expect that.


: (bench (out "pi-digits.1.txt" (makePi 10000)))
3.150 sec
-> NIL
: (bench (out "pi-digits.1.txt" (prinPi 10000)))
3.166 sec
-> NIL

: (bench (out "pi-digits.1.txt" (makePi 20000)))
13.553 sec
-> NIL
: (bench (out "pi-digits.1.txt" (prinPi 20000)))
13.811 sec
-> NIL

: (bench (out "pi-digits.1.txt" (prinPi 50000)))
97.809 sec
-> NIL
: (bench (out "pi-digits.1.txt" (makePi 50000)))
98.387 sec
-> NIL

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