On Tue, Feb 11, 2025 at 11:25 PM Alexander Burger <picolisp@software-lab.de>

> If a problem is a linear operation, like traversing a list, a loop is
> more natural for me. For traversing a tree, recursion is better of
> course.
> Thanks!

>    (de fiboSwap (N)
>       (let (A 0  B 1)
>          (do N
>             (swap 'B (+ (swap 'A B) B)) ) ) )
> That is really cool! Something to keep in mind.

I took a moment to rewrite the tco versions of the swap, mtf, mft functions
I had
using my newly realized understanding of nth, con, conc, insert.... (code

Shorter, simpler, and much! faster on large lists.

: (swappXchg (1 . 7) (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)) # Swap
-> (7 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9)
: (mtfConc (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) 7)  # Move to front
-> (7 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9)
: (mftConc (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) 7)  # Move from top
-> (2 3 4 5 6 7 1 8 9)


# Swap two elements in a list
(de swappXchg (P L)
   (when (and (pair P) (lst? L))
      (ifn (> (cdr P) (car P))
         (setq P (cons (cdr P) (car P))) )
         (Lst L
            Lhs (car P)
            Rhs (cdr P)
            LhsN (nth L Lhs)
            RhsN (nth LhsN (inc (- Rhs Lhs))) )
         (when (and LhsN RhsN) (xchg LhsN RhsN))
         L ) ) )

# Move from top
(de mftConc (X N)
      ((and (> N 1) (lst? X))
            (Elt (cons (car X))
               Lhs (head (dec N) (cdr X))
               Rhs (cdr (nth X N)) )
            (con Elt Rhs)
            (conc Lhs Elt)
            Lhs ) )
      (T X) ) )

(de mftInsert (X N)
      ((and (> N 1) (lst? X))
        (insert N (cdr X) (car X)))
       (T X)))

# Move to Front
(de mtfConc (X N)
      ((and (> N 1) (lst? X))
            (Lhs (head (dec N) X)
               Rhs (cdr (nth X (dec N)))
               Elt (cons (car Rhs)) )
            (ifn Rhs
               (con Elt Lhs)
               (conc Elt (cdr Rhs))
               Elt ) ) )
      (T X) ) )

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