On Mon, Feb 10, 2025 at 2:49 AM Alexander Burger <picolisp@software-lab.de>

> I'd like to point out, however, that recursion and tail call
> optimization are not fully equivalent. We always need to keep that in
> mind!
> ...

> So what PicoLisp does is first clean up everything, by first *leaving*
> all enclosing expressions, and then jumping to the start of the loop.
> ...

> If we reduce the example to just a 'finally':
>    (de f (N)
>       (finally (printsp N)
>          (if (=0 N)
>             (printsp 'OK)
>             (f (dec N)) ) ) )
>    : (f 3)
>    OK 0 1 2 3 -> OK
> Now, if we use 'tco' and 'tc' instead of the recursive call:
>    (de f (N)
>       (tco (N)
>          (finally (printsp N)
>             (if (=0 N)
>                (printsp 'OK)
>                (tc (dec N)) ) ) ) )
>    : (f 3)
>    3 2 1 OK 0 -> OK
> the result is completely different!
Thanks for the insight!
This is interesting and really helps my understanding of the mechanics of
how tc is implemented in picolisp.


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