All Pharo users should be here. Political views, including yours, have no place here.

Keep the discussion 100% Pharo. This a purely technical group. We should have no interest in each others political views. Even Hitler himself could participate.

Kind Regards
Dave Langley

On 20/02/2025 10:36, Steven Costiou wrote:

Can we ban him already?

Is this not proof enough that he's on the nazi side??

Are we "tolerating nazis"???

Le 20/02/2025 à 03:16, Steve Quezadas a écrit :
There is no evidence that elon Musk is a "nazi" and i am baffled that seemingly everyone on this list thinks he is. There is ZERO evidence. Also, I am a big fan of his. I admire him greatly. And I am no adolf hitler fan either.

On Wed, Feb 19, 2025 at 4:59 PM Harald <> wrote:

    Hello pharoers, here are my 2 cents:

    Billionaires should not exist.
    Elon musk is a nazi & billionaire, 2 good reasons to avoid giving
    him any money, so fuck twitter/x.
    I don't know much about bluesky but that it's funded by private
    investors so it will likely become another twitter one day,
    because the capital always support the fascists.


    On Thu, 20 Feb 2025, 12:48 Richard Sargent,
    <> wrote:

        Perhaps we can return to the original assertion:
        " Bluesky is an echo chamber that will ban you for having the
        wrong political opinion. Twitter is much more open to
        differing viewpoints.  "

        That has nothing to do with Pharo, so I for one would rather
        not see non-Pharo discussions on Pharo

        Perhaps, you could take your political discussions, your
        gender discussions, your sexuality discussions, etc. to some
        other, more relevant forum.

        On Wed, Feb 19, 2025 at 1:06 PM Steve Quezadas
        <> wrote:

            The pharo community is going the way of the python
            community. Where perfectly acceptable political opinions
            ("trans women are not real women") are suppressed under
            the guise of "breaks community standards".I've noticed
            more and more programming groups have gone so far left
            because of echo chamber feedback loops. They, as a
            result, don't see how crazy they make themselves look to
            normal people.

            People who disagree with your political opinions are not
            "nazis". You are being unfair to the 50% of people who
            have a differing opinion.

            On Wed, Feb 19, 2025 at 10:23 AM sducasseatwork--- via
            Pharo-users <> wrote:

                Hello steven

                We have a great community and we should not throw
                away the baby with the water of the bath (sorry for
                english readers
                I do not know if the direct translation of a french
                expression makes any sense but you can probably get it).

                We will do what we want and do not care about people
                that do not contribute and not in a positive mindset.
                Let us continue to make Pharo great and fun because
                it is a great and fun system.

                I will continue to focus on PRs that improve Pharo.

                No need to reply to this thread because I put a
                filter to trash any emails :)


                On 19 Feb 2025, at 11:35, Steven Costiou
                <> wrote:

                This is how nazi work: they infiltrate communities
                and their only contribution is to jump into
                discussions to fight anything related to people
                wanting to be safe from their bullshit.

                He did the same thing (with others) a few years ago
                for the code convenant stuff.
                He is doing this right now again.

                The vocabulary is all there: "echo-chamber", "wrong
                political opinion", "tolerant", "leftist"... just
                all the nazi words they try to impose in community
                Once we accept, we lose.

                Nice and diplomatic discussions do not work with nazis.
                So why are we tolerating this? He is not even
                contributing to Pharo.

                Between this and the guy who harasses my students at
                ESUG, I wonder what fucking bullshit community we
                have become.

                I have nothing to do anymore in this community.


                Le 19/02/2025 à 11:06, Steve Quezadas a écrit :
                Oh come on, BlueSky is TruthSocial for leftists.
                Twitter is FAR more tolerant of differing
                viewpoints, andI am a leftist myself.

                On Wed, Feb 19, 2025 at 1:38 AM Norbert Hartl
                <> wrote:

                    I heard enough stories the other way round
                    being on X with the "wrong political opinion".
                    It works either way. The way you experience it
                    is not so much an artefact of the social media
                    platform but the mindset you have.


                    Am 19.02.2025 um 10:00 schrieb Steve Quezadas

                    Bluesky is an echo chamber that will ban you
                    for having the wrong political opinion.
                    Twitter is much more open to differing

                    On Tue, Feb 18, 2025 at 9:50 AM Offray
                    Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
                    <> wrote:

                        Thanks a lot.

                        It's refreshing to see more people
                        participating the so called #eXodus
                        and having better forms to connect.



                        On 14/02/25 9:11, Marcus Denker wrote:
                        > Hello,
                        > Bluesky:
                        > We are on Mastodon, too (since 2018!)
                        >  Marcus

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