Hi russ

I do not know if the catalog is referring the latest version but in anycase the 
plugins are all using old libraries and do not really work anymore (because not
available anymore). 

We were discussing monday about it and to propose a binding to more recent 
libraries such as openAV
We need help there. 


> On 13 May 2020, at 20:49, Russ Whaley <whaley.r...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm using Pharo 8 stable (64bit) version.
> I pulled PharoSound from the Catalog and installed.  Installed fine, no 
> errors.
> I went to the comments on the abstract class.  Copied the examples to the 
> Playground, ran them - worked fine (although I don't know how to stop the 
> dang PluckedString example!!)... I digress  :)
> I created my own subclass to play specific sounds at certain events in my 
> application.  Worked well.  A day later - I have no sound in my image at all 
> now.  Nothing works.  I reinstalled from the Catalog. Ran the code listed in 
> the AbstractSound comments - nothing.
> I installed a new Pharo 8 stable 64-bit image - pulled PharoSound in, copied 
> the sampe code from AbstractSound comments... and it worked just fine.
> Any ideas how I can get sound to work again on my original image?  For me, it 
> is a real pain to try and migrate all my code over to a new image.  It is 
> apparently a character flaw on my part, but it takes me hours to get 
> Git/Iceberg working properly on a new image. (yes, I'm ashamed).  I see a new 
> book on the topic, but I had been following that book while it was wip, and 
> Git/Iceberg just whips my butt.  But if going to a new image is the solution, 
> I'll try, try again.
> What do you think?
> Thanks,
> Russ
> -- 
> Russ Whaley
> whaley.r...@gmail.com <mailto:whaley.r...@gmail.com>
Stéphane Ducasse
http://stephane.ducasse.free.fr / http://www.pharo.org 
03 59 35 87 52
Assistant: Julie Jonas 
FAX 03 59 57 78 50
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