> On 26 Jan 2019, at 15:13, eftomi <tomaz.t...@ef.uni-lj.si> wrote:
>> cmd+h, then search for what you want (jump panels, execute commands,
> everything you can do in calypso you can find it there). 
> Thanks. But Spotter can hardly be a replacement for the keyboard. Spotter is
> a marvel by itself, however please try to survive developing in Pharo for a
> minute without a mouse - or just jumping to different panes in Calypso,
> debugger and inspector. 

you can use it with the keyboard. 
Using it, you do not require the mouse. 
And, in addition, you do not need to remember complicated shortcuts: Calypso 
and the tools of Pharo will never be covered with shortcuts… there are too many 
So yes, it is not a replacement of the keyboard: is a way to USE the keyboard 
in Calypso.

Now, maybe you tried to say using the keyboard to move between the different 
tools of Pharo.
There, yes you will need the mouse.

> For instace, I checked all the shortcuts under ctrl-o-s. The shortcut
> ClySwitchFocusToPreviousBrowserPaneCommand>>fullBrowserShortcutActivation

Not all the shortcuts are perfect, but if you do ctrl+h and type “package” (the 
beginning of it, in fact), you will be able to jump to the package pane. 
Same for all the others, including the editors.
> should take you to the previous panel. It works for the top four panels, but
> not for the coding panel - or am I too clumsy? Furthermore, if you edit the
> code in Calypso, there are hidden shortcuts ctrl-1, ctrl-2, ctrl-3 etc.
> which take you to different tabs of the coding (bottom) panel. While editing
> the code, press ctrl-1 (this takes you to the Comment tab) and then go back
> to your code by using the keyboard. You can type in the code editor, however
> the panel is not selected (the blue frame is missing in the dark theme), and
> there is no cursor, so you are typing in the dark. And so forth.

As I said, not all the commands are correct (for example ctrl+2 is a special 
selection, it will not jump to the second pane).
But with ctrl+h spotter will let you find and jump to the tab you want.

> The problem is not people trying to edit the code in emacs, the problem is
> how to give them the experience which was already invented and works well.

With the exception of emacs, all other IDEs I know fail in letting you use the 
keyboard for everything. 
We are doing steps on the right direction, but I agree we are not perfect. 

Still. I recommend you to play with ctrl+h and the options there.

> There's no danger that Pharo will not be Pharo anymore, if we do that.
> Visual programming is not the mouse to click on the editor panels. And, in
> my opinion, a lot has already been done in this direction. I really don't
> understand all the fuss in this thread. 

The fuss in this thread is that you may criticise Pharo (and we know Pharo has 
many many problems). But wanting to code outside the environment is losing what 
makes Pharo an attractive option.
Without the environment, Pharo is just another dynamic language.
Wanting to avoid the environment just to use the tool you are used to is the 
bad approach. 
To program a C# application people uses visual studio. You can use notepad++ 
too, but nobody would think on doing it.

You know? It is possible to avoid completely the environment. Without much 
effort you can:

1. You edit the Tonel files with the editor you want.
2. You “compile your program”, which would be to file in the files.
3. You “run your program”, which would be to run the image.

This can be even improved! You can do a plugin on eclipse or IntelliJ that will 
match syntax color and maybe give you some autocompletion. 

Then you will be in the world you want, using your preferred IDE with you 
preferred shortcuts. 

But why then would you use Pharo?
There are TONS of languages there that work like that. 
Pharo is another beast… and its relevance is the IDE.


> --
> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

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