Imran said:
> No matter how you setup your smalltalk, at some point, you have to
> talk to your system. Tell it to subclass Object because I want to add
> a new class. Or add a new method to an existing class. Or just execute
> this code right now, as is (Workspace/Playground). Etc, etc.

Richard said:
> The "system" isn't an object. It is a collaborative network of objects. You
> don't tell the /system/ to subclass Object, you tell /Object/ to define the
> subclass.

Huh? Thats not what I said (I realise this is getting close to
pedantic bikeshedding at this stage, but anyway ...):

1. System = the entire programming runtime

2. Tell it = send some text to that system, to consider it for execution

3. The "system" receives the text (somehow), parses it, and realises
its a message send to Object.

4. It sends the message to Object, and Object figures out what to do
(create a new class)

I wasn't trying to imply anything different. The important thing I was
getting at was "tell it".

Thats where the whole breakdown comes in this internal vs external
editing debate. And thats why I highlighted it.

That "tell it" part is just the transmission, by any means possible,
of dumb text to ... the system.

Too often that gets intertwined with "live objects all the way", when
in reality, I don't think it has anything to do with that aspect.

At this point, you're just flinging ascii/unicode bytes around. Its
only once the "system" gets those bytes, and parses it as "oh, you
want to send this message, with these arguments, to that object? Ok,

The advantage of initially creating that "dumb text" from tools
running inside the image is that there should be a near-zero usabilty
delay in delivering this "dumb text" to the system. No saving to disk.
No loading from disk. Etc.

But as long as you realise that, at this stage, you **are** just
dealing with dumb text, then its equally plausible to create methods
of creating and delivering that dumb text, from outside the image, to
the system (inside the image).

Without having to save to disk. Reload from disk. Etc. In other words
- meet the same usability requirements.

That "dumb text" only has anything to do with objects, liveness etc
**once** the system gets it and parses it. Everything I was talking
about is **before** that stage.

Ok, so all of the above is pedantantry-gone-wild. But I think the
following gets to the crux of it.

Imran said:
> So, in a real sense, does it matter where you enter that dumb, simple,
> plain text?

Richard said:
> Yes, it does matter. When every keystroke changes the meaning of that "dumb,
> simple, plain text", yes, it matters.
> There are Smalltalk text editors that insert annotations into the text being
> presented to communicate information to you,

You're bringing up advanced code completion as a difference. Well, err, no.

You just need a constantly available backchannel of communication with
the system. To send a potentially incomplete chunk of text and ask it
"hey, what do you think he meant to say here?". Take that, and present
it to the user.

Upon every keystroke (if you like, that would drive me batty but to
each his own).

Lisp runtimes do this kind of thing all the time. Smalltalk can do
this too. Why can't it?

Recall the example I gave originally. It wasn't a braindead: Write in
this editor. Save it. Go to the image. Load it. Rinse. Repeat.

It was more: Write in this editor. Save it. It gets sent automatically
to the system. System does something.

Thats not confined to a single pseudo-file (with fuse or other
pseudo-filelike systems, the file metaphor is just an abstraction over
disk-less, instant communication between different processes).

You can have multiple pseudo-files giving and sending msgs about
various aspects.

Including "hey, based on what you're typing, I think this is the full
name". Or more complex reporting (variables, that method you just
referenced has the following arguments, etc)

None of this, absolutely NONE of this, requires having the text editor
be INSIDE the system to start with.

Of course, it **does** require an editor with more smarts than notepad. But:

- acme (my preference, so easy to integrate with out-of-process tools)
- emacs (but it likes pulling as much as possible inside its own process)
- even neovim, with is asynchronous communication facilities (but
still somewhat clunky, compared to the other two)

They're all capable.

Whats needed is the tooling to facilitate the ongoing communications
to and from the smalltalk system.

Like Craig Latta's webdav interface, as one example.

Why bother? Well, it depends on how you look at it, I suppose.

Is it easier to provide the background interface, and let others
connect it to a multitude of programmable editors who are capable on
ongoing asynchronous comms while editing?

All I'm saying is that its a valid approach, which doesn't (IMO, of
course) contravenes the "live environment" paradigm.

> The people at have shown an entirely new level of liveliness that
> I find simply fascinating


       Imran Sher Rafique

On Fri, 25 Jan 2019 at 13:08, Richard Sargent
<> wrote:
> isr wrote
> > I'm a long-time lurker on this list, and still more of an
> > intermediate-squeaker (is that a word?) rather than pharo (although I
> > have used this off and on since pharo-5), so I feel like a bit of an
> > imposter jumping into this thread (long-time lisper).
> Like you, I am primarily a lurker in the Pharo lists. Some of your comments
> below I agree with and some I don't. I hope can explain clearly enough why I
> don't. I've been fortunate enough to work in Smalltalk exclusively since
> late 1991. Each year that goes by sees me gain a new and deeper
> understanding. Things I thought I new well turn out to have much more to
> them than I previously thought, even after multiple "rinse and repeat"
> cycles.
> > That said, and without wishing to ruffle any feathers nor cause any
> > rancour (if I do, I apologise), may I humbly disagree with some of the
> > opinions mentioned by some certainly more accomplished Smalltalkers
> > than me.
> >
> > Sven said:
> >> Everybody is of course totally free to do whatever they want, but really,
> >> why the hell would you want to do that ?
> >> You lose so much by doing that, I do not even know where to start.
> >> A big part of what makes Pharo (or any Smalltalk) special is the IDE
> >> written in itself.
> >
> > Esteban said:
> >> Honestly, Pharo without the environment (and the “live objects” approach)
> >> is just another dynamic language without much interest.
> >
> > There's a distinction between "how you enter source code" and "the
> > full live object environment" paradigm.
> >
> > No matter how you setup your smalltalk, at some point, you have to
> > talk to your system. Tell it to subclass Object because I want to add
> > a new class. Or add a new method to an existing class. Or just execute
> > this code right now, as is (Workspace/Playground). Etc, etc.
> The "system" isn't an object. It is a collaborative network of objects. You
> don't tell the /system/ to subclass Object, you tell /Object/ to define the
> subclass.
> To help provide a more complete context, let's go back to the beginning to
> what Goldberg and Robson said in their preface to /Smalltalk-80 The Language
> and Its Implementation/.
> "Smalltalk is designed so that every component in the system that is
> accessible to the user can be presented in a meaningful way for observation
> and manipulation."
> As developers, we are users and subject to the same goals and ambitions.
> Observation for us is navigating the code to understand while manipulation
> for us is producing new code (or changed code). But, keep in mind that the
> word manipulation means a lot more than just writing.
> > There are numerous text editor widgets sprinkled throughout
> > squeak/cuis/pharo's set of "tools" which enable you to do exactly that
> > - talk to the system.
> >
> > These various editor widgets distinguish themselves slightly by
> > binding Self to something convenient (in the browser, for example),
> > but other than that - they're just text widgets.
> >
> > The magic only happens once you take the text, and tell the system to
> > **do something with it**. Save, Do-it, print-it, etc.
> >
> > Up to that point, its just text. Dumb, simple, plain text.
> That's only true because you have chosen it to be. And that is the crux of
> this whole discussion. Dead bits are useless. Smalltalk is about live
> objects. (As I said, it took me a long time to really, deeply understand
> that. And I still see someone come along and prove me wrong. Wrong in the
> sense that I didn't understand it nearly as well as I thought. Someone shows
> the world an idea and my understanding takes an octave jump.)
> > So, in a real sense, does it matter where you enter that dumb, simple,
> > plain text?
> Yes, it does matter. When every keystroke changes the meaning of that "dumb,
> simple, plain text", yes, it matters.
> There are Smalltalk text editors that insert annotations into the text being
> presented to communicate information to you, from as simple as indicating a
> declared variable is unused or an expression references an undefined
> variable, to more complex concepts.
> There are Smalltalk editors that know what potential receivers implement
> selectors and variables (including globally accessible objects) matching
> what you have typed so far and can offer you suggestions, including spelling
> corrections, as you type.
> > As long as there is an immediate, simple, failsafe way to sending that
> > text to the system to "do something with me", then you still have the
> > same live environment. Surely?
> How can it be? Live, yes, for some definition of live. But, lively? Not so.
> (The people at have shown an entirely new level of liveliness that
> I find simply fascinating. Each new thing rings with an echo of "What will
> they think of next?" coupled with "I can't wait to see what they think of
> next!".)
> > At that point, it doesn't matter (from the point of view of having a
> > "live system") whether the dumb, simple, plain text was initially
> > entered, from keyboard to screen, via the smalltalk process or another
> > external process.
> >
> > One can certainly argue that simple fileouts, editing, and filingin is
> > too clunky a process. But, for example, having a fuse filesystem
> > exporting the live contents of the class hierarchy:
> >
> > - every time you read "/Class-as-Dir/Method-as-file", the current
> > source is queried from the live smalltalk system
> >
> > - every time you write to that file the smalltalk system is updated
> >
> > Surely this would keep much of the same "liveness-in-spirit"? With the
> > added advantages of:
> >
> > - spreading a little of the cpu burden around the various cores
> > (although this isn't really a cpu-intensive task anyway, but this
> > might apply more if we had out-of-image graphical inspectors which
> > also communicated via fuse)
> >
> > - taking advantage of the **vastly** more advanced text editing
> > widgets available outside of pharo
> >
> > Certainly, this is what Craig Latta webdav system is trying to get at.
> > I think its an interesting area to explore, and does not in any way
> > distract from "liveness" or "smalltalk'iness".
> >
> > Ok, rant over :)
> >
> >
> > --
> > Regards,
> >        Imran Sher Rafique
> >
> > On Thu, 24 Jan 2019 at 05:54, Sven Van Caekenberghe &lt;
> > sven@
> > &gt; wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> > On 24 Jan 2019, at 12:10, Dimitris Chloupis &lt;
> > kilon.alios@
> > &gt; wrote:
> >> >
> >> > Often we have users of emacs and vim that request a way to use their
> >> favorite shortcuts or features. Some even ask "Would not be nice if I
> >> could use my favorite code editor with Pharo ?"
> >> >
> >> > Actually not only you can do it, its also very easy. So the following
> >> video tutorial explains in the first 3 minutes how to do this and then
> >> spends another 10 min talking about how this could be automated to be
> >> completely automatic and instantaneous.
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >> Everybody is of course totally free to do whatever they want, but really,
> >> why the hell would you want to do that ?
> >>
> >> You lose so much by doing that, I do not even know where to start.
> >>
> >> A big part of what makes Pharo (or any Smalltalk) special is the IDE
> >> written in itself.
> >>
> >> Editing a .st file has always been possible, it is masochism.
> >>
> >> There is for example which
> >> already makes a bit more sense (but even then).
> >>
> >> Really, why do you think all these big IDE environments exist in the
> >> first place ?
> >>
> >> Sven
> >>
> >>
> --
> Sent from:

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