Can you give more details? IIRC I have PP2 loaded in several 6.
I did the following:
1) Download and start Pharo 6.1 stable via the launcher.
2a) Attempt to install PetitParser2 via the CatalogBrowser:
There was an error while trying to install PetitParser2.
Installation was cancelled."
2b) Attempt to install PP2 via the scripts from GitHub:
Metacello new
baseline: 'PetitParser2';
repository: 'github://kursjan/petitparser2';
Metacello new
baseline: 'PetitParser2Gui';
repository: 'github://kursjan/petitparser2';
"Could not resolve: [BaselineOfPetitParser2] in [...]"
Interestingly, it works in Pharo 7 dev, but there the GUI-Tools won't load
because of some issues with their dependencies.
I hope this helps. As I am not familiar with Pharo, I'd appreciate any
Best, Steffen