
I gave PetitParser 2 a try and I am pretty impressed by the results, please see the updated table below. =) Again, that's pure parsing and Array-based AST-building. Moving to PP2 was indeed as easy as sending #asPParser and working around character ranges ($a - $z). Is there a preferred way to do the latter?

Jan mentioned that there might be an automated tool to port stuff to VisualWorks. Do you have a name? And again the old question: what is the preferred workflow to exchange code between the two dialects? Till now I stick to FileOut30.

input  Prism        Storm  Xtreams.PEG  PP     PP2
size   parse check  check  parse cache  parse  parse optim
230kB   0.1s   10s     6s     9s    3s     2s     4s  0.2s
544kB   0.2s   90s    20s    20s    7s     5s     9s  0.5s
1.1MB   0.4s  392s    46s    34s   13s     8s    15s  1.0s
1.4MB   0.8s 1091s    85s    47s   20s    12s    20s  1.3s
2.2MB                        63s   30s    16s    27s  1.9s
2.9MB                        81s   44s    20s    34s  2.5s
3.8MB                       107s   61s    25s    45s  3.1s
4.4MB                       123s   76s    30s    56s  3.7s

Best, Steffen

Am .10.2018, 05:22 Uhr, schrieb Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com>:


Interesting experiment. Thanks for sharing!

I assume that you tried the original PetitParser. PetitParser2 offers the possibility to optimize the parser (kind of a compilation), and this provides a significant speedup:

Would you be interested in trying this out?


On Oct 4, 2018, at 10:46 PM, Steffen Märcker <merk...@web.de> wrote:

I gave Xtreams-Parsing and PetitParser a shot and like to share my findings.[*]

The task was to parse the modelling language of the probabilistic model checker PRISM. I've written a grammer of about 130 definitions in the Xtreams DSL, which is close to Bryan Fords syntax. To avoid doing it all again with PetitParser, I wrote a PetitParserGenerator that takes the DSL and builds a PetitParser.

The numbers below are just parsing times, no further actions involved. For reference I show the times from PRISM (which uses JavaCC), too -- although they involve additional verification and normalization steps on the AST.

input  Prism    XP   PP 
230kB    14s    9s   2s
544kB   121s   20s   5s
1.1MB   421s   34s   8s
1.4MB  1091s   47s  12s
2.2MB          63s  16s
2.9MB          81s  20s
3.8MB         107s  25s
4.4MB         123s  30s

Please note that these times are not representative at all. It's just a single example and I put zero effort in optimization. However, I am quite satisfied with the results.

[*] I was already familiar with the DSL of Xtreams-Parsing, which I like very much. I did not consider SmaCC, as I find PEGs easier to use.

Best, Steffen

Am .10.2018, 20:14 Uhr, schrieb Steffen Märcker <merk...@web.de>:

Dear all,

I have two questions regarding parsing frameworks.

1) Do you have any insights on the performance of SmaCC VS Xtreams Parsing VS PetitParser? 2) Has anybody started to port PetitParser 2 from Pharo to VW? Is it worth the effort?

Sorry for cross-posting, I thought this might interest both communities.

Cheers, Steffen


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