
Interesting experiment. Thanks for sharing!

I assume that you tried the original PetitParser. PetitParser2 offers the 
possibility to optimize the parser (kind of a compilation), and this provides a 
significant speedup:

Would you be interested in trying this out?


> On Oct 4, 2018, at 10:46 PM, Steffen Märcker <merk...@web.de> wrote:
> I gave Xtreams-Parsing and PetitParser a shot and like to share my 
> findings.[*]
> The task was to parse the modelling language of the probabilistic model 
> checker PRISM. I've written a grammer of about 130 definitions in the Xtreams 
> DSL, which is close to Bryan Fords syntax. To avoid doing it all again with 
> PetitParser, I wrote a PetitParserGenerator that takes the DSL and builds a 
> PetitParser.
> The numbers below are just parsing times, no further actions involved. For 
> reference I show the times from PRISM (which uses JavaCC), too -- although 
> they involve additional verification and normalization steps on the AST.
> input  Prism    XP   PP       
> 230kB    14s    9s   2s
> 544kB 121s   20s   5s
> 1.1MB 421s   34s   8s
> 1.4MB  1091s   47s  12s
> 2.2MB          63s  16s
> 2.9MB          81s  20s
> 3.8MB         107s  25s
> 4.4MB         123s  30s
> Please note that these times are not representative at all. It's just a 
> single example and I put zero effort in optimization. However, I am quite 
> satisfied with the results.
> [*] I was already familiar with the DSL of Xtreams-Parsing, which I like very 
> much. I did not consider SmaCC, as I find PEGs easier to use.
> Best, Steffen
> Am .10.2018, 20:14 Uhr, schrieb Steffen Märcker <merk...@web.de>:
>> Dear all,
>> I have two questions regarding parsing frameworks.
>> 1) Do you have any insights on the performance of SmaCC VS Xtreams Parsing 
>> VS PetitParser?
>> 2) Has anybody started to port PetitParser 2 from Pharo to VW? Is it worth 
>> the effort?
>> Sorry for cross-posting, I thought this might interest both communities.
>> Cheers, Steffen


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