I was thinking the same thing. Enterprises need to rely on a stable
distribution over a long period of time. That's why many Linux distros have
LTS versions.

That's why VisualWorks is the enterprise standard.

tblanchard wrote
> OK, I have to push back at this.
> When Pharo forked I was excited because Squeak was such a fast moving lab
> experiment that you couldn't build anything and expect it to work in a
> year.
> Pharo was supposed to be the "business ready" fork leaving Squeak to be
> the crazy lab experiment.
> From https://pharo.org/about
> It says:
> Pharo's goal is to deliver a clean, innovative, free and open-source
> immersive environment. 
> By providing a stable and small core system, excellent developing tools,
> and maintained releases, Pharo is an attractive platform to build and
> deploy mission critical applications.
> But you are telling me that Pharo is also a fast moving lab experiment
> that is too unstable for real work?
> I understand this is hard but is there a definitive roadmap and plan to
> reach to stability?
>> On May 6, 2018, at 4:00 AM, Norbert Hartl <

> norbert@

> > wrote:
>> Can you elaborate on what you consider as a kernel? There are always
>> things moving in the pharo world. The last years the virtual machine got
>> some iterations and it is still not fully stable. For pharo it is hard to
>> have it stable because we feel the need that a lot of the existing parts
>> need to be replaced to be useful in these times. Furthermore pharo is
>> also prototyping platform for programming language features. All of these
>> are counter-stability measures. So if you need a stable kernel from
>> native ground up to UI pharo won‘t be that thing you are looking for the
>> coming years (if at all). You always need to adopt to change so you need
>> to define your required scope better in order to get an estimate.
>> Norbert
>> Am 06.05.2018 um 11:31 schrieb Trygve Reenskaug <

> trygver@.uio

>  <mailto:

> trygver@.uio

> >>:
>>> I'm working on a programing paradigm and IDE for the personal programmer
>>> who wants to control his or her IoT. The size of the target audience I
>>> have in mind is >100 million. I gave up Squeak long ago as a platform
>>> because they obsolete my code faster than I can write it.  I have now
>>> frozen Squeak 3.10.2 and hope its runtime will survive until I find a
>>> better foundation. My hope is that Pharo has a stable kernel that I can
>>> build on.  According to Stephan, this is not so. Is there any plan for
>>> creating a stable Pharo kernel that people can use for building software
>>> of lasting value for millions of non-expert users? 
>>> --Thanks, Trygve
>>> On 05.05.2018 13:53, Stephan Eggermont wrote:
>>>> I’ve taken a look at what would be needed to
>>>> support magma on pharo a few years ago. Chris always told us he uses it
>>>> professionally on squeak and has not enough capacity to keep up with
>>>> changes in pharo without having a customer/maintainer for it. Twice a
>>>> year
>>>> or so someone asks about magma on pharo and takes a look. AFAIK there
>>>> are
>>>> no real obstacles to a port, but magma uses a lot of deep
>>>> implementation
>>>> specifics that will take an experienced smalltalker to deal with, and a
>>>> lot
>>>> of mailing list archeology as pharo changed a lot since magma worked on
>>>> pharo last
>>>> Stephan
>>> -- 
>>> The essence of object orientation is that objects collaborate  to
>>> achieve a goal. 
>>> Trygve Reenskaug      mailto: 

> trygver@.uio

>  <mailto:%

> 20trygver@.uio

> >
>>> Morgedalsvn. 5A       http://folk.uio.no/trygver/
>>> <http://folk.uio.no/trygver/>
>>> N-0378 Oslo             http://fullOO.info <http://fulloo.info/>
>>> Norway                     Tel: (+47) 22 49 57 27

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