And can you remove this sentence:

Pharo is being used to fight Ebola :

​You cite my research work about KENDRICK, a domain-specific language built
in order to analyze epidemiological models.
Thank you for the link, but we never fight Ebola ...
We only participate to a ​hackathon about Ebola in 2014 and we implement
some basic Ebola mathematical models in KENDRICK at that time. We never
have any impact on Ebola unfortunately.

​Don't spread false informations.
Thank you.​

On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 10:07 AM, Pavel Krivanek <>
> Please, please, please, stop to write such kind of articles. You are
doing a really bad service to us. You can help to Pharo in many other ways.
You will not convince people to use Pharo by spitting on everything else.
> One fixed typo has incomparably bigger value than blogpost like this.
> -- Pavel
> 2017-11-16 5:13 GMT+01:00 horrido <>:
>> Why Pharo Might be the Future of Software Development
>> <>
>> Spread the word.
>> --
>> Sent from:

Serge Stinckwich
"Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for
machines to execute."

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