Short: No. =)
Actually, the <~ notation was originally proposed by another Smalltalker
on the vwnc list. The idea was that <~ visualizes the flow into the
variable, which I find nice (see first expression). However, I do
understand that this alienates others. Hence, I am non-religious about the
matter; I could even live with both messages coexisting.
Denis I agree. I do not like to code in reverse order.
I like abstraction. But I think names and order of computation should be
changed to be more Smalltalk friendly. Because now it looks like Haskell
with right to left order:
squares := Set <~ 1000 take <~ #squared map <~ (1 to: 1000).
fileOut writeStream <~ #isSeparator filter <~ fileIn readStream.
Is there any reason to not change it?
Best, Steffen