I forgot to mention, that the most recent code for Pharo is already on Github: https://github.com/Pharophile/Transducers

Reducers was the name of the first very first implementation.

(In fact, I was originally inspired by clojures Reducers lib. After implementing it in Smalltalk, I developed the concept further. Later I found out, that the clojure guys did the same in parallel and ended up with the same abstraction but a differnt name. Hence I decided change the name in order to make the relation clear.)

Am .11.2017, 16:18 Uhr, schrieb Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu>:

On 14 Nov 2017, at 16:00, Steffen Märcker <merk...@web.de> wrote:



No. Transducers is my side project. I've implemented a package for VisualWorks. Unfortunately, I did not finish the port to Pharo yet, simply due to a lack of time. Originally, transducers evolved in the clojure community. I figured, the concept a good fit for Smalltalk and adapted it accordingly. (My thesis is on conditional probabilities in model-checking of probabilistic systems.)


Plus some mails on this list and more on the vwnc list. Feel free to ask; I understand, that the package comment has lots of potential for improvement to help understanding.

Best, Steffen

Some code seems to be here: http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~cdlm/Experiments

Not sure if it is complete or what the relation is, or the difference between transducers and reducers ...

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