
Yes, I agree, Xtreams is much better (but steep learning curve).

I just wanted to point out that my contributions in Zn streams focus and
better/simpler byte/character IO.

Yes, and it is really nice.
Interesting how many users we have in system for general streams? (created on arbitrary collections).

I really think streams (in general) should focus on what they are best at. Namely, (stepwise) reading and writing from and to various sources, and buffering for efficiency, too. XStreams does an excellent job here. However, higher level operations - like collecting, selecting, splitting (map, filter, partition) and such - should be addressed by other means. Those operations apply to streams, collections, generators and other data structures. They can efficiently be implemented independent from the data structure. By doing so, code duplication can be avoided and the API of streams, etc. can be kept simple.

Although I won't have time to contribute code, before finishing my thesis, I'd like to point out, that transducers are here to address exactly this. The package already works with collections, streams and xstreams.


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