Hi Stef,

Not sure what you want to show: decision trees, belief network, concurrent 
actor model ...

I‘m also interested which book you read and what are your plans :) :)



> Am 03.11.2017 um 11:09 schrieb Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.ber...@me.com>:
> Hi!
> In my lecture I use a starcraft unit, the tank. It can be in a siege mode 
> with increased damage point, but it cannot move. There are two states 
> therefore 
> Alexandre 
>> Le 3 nov. 2017 à 05:59, Stephane Ducasse <stepharo.s...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>> Hi
>> I'm reading a nice book explaining Game AI logic and it uses state
>> design patterns and I would like to take it as an example for a future
>> book on AI in the future
>> They have two little actors talking via a a queued message list. There
>> is one miner and its wife.
>> Now I'm looking for a better example :)
>> I was thinking about Pokemon hunting but if you have other ideas I'm
>> interested.
>> Stef
>> <Screen Shot 2017-11-03 at 09.53.57.png>
>> <Screen Shot 2017-11-03 at 09.57.34.png>

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