On Sat, Oct 14, 2017 at 11:50 AM, H. Hirzel <hannes.hir...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 10/12/17, Andrew Glynn <aglyn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > https://medium.com/@dasein42/building-with-versus-building-on-c51aa3034
> > c71
> > This is an article not specifically about Pharo, rather on the state of
> > the industry
> > in general and how it got that way, but positing Pharo as a way to
> > learn
> > building-on rather than building-with, where in the latter case on
> > every project you start at essentially the same place.
> > As a result it does put in front of people a fair amount of info on
> > Pharo, and challenges them to try it.
> >
> > cheersAndrew Glynn
> Thank you for this comprehensive report.
> Do you have a reference for more info about the epidemiology project
> which was completed in only a months time?  [1]
> -- Hannes
> [1] <citation>
> After Google spent millions failing to solve the epedemiology of the
> Ebola outbreak, an application built with it, or rather on it, by one
> developer in an extremely short timespan (under a month), successfully
> predicted the path and allowed it to be stopped by vaccinating those
> in the most likely path. Google themselves took notice, and their Dart
> language, while using syntax similar to the JavaScript many of their
> developers are familiar with, uses the object model from the OSS
> Smalltalk. The problem is not simply a matter of how much engineers
> enjoy their work, but it can be a life or death matter, as it was in
> the case of the Toyota microcode.
> </citation>
> ​
Yes I'm also interested by this.
Never heard this before :-)

Serge Stinckwich
"Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for
machines to execute."http://www.doesnotunderstand.org/

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