Am 12.10.17 um 20:04 schrieb Dimitris Chloupis:
Eclispe , which I will disagree with your that is not the worst IDE,
started as a smalltalk IDE and then it got Eclipsed. I am sure those
people had a "build on" environment , still it got messy. We can blame
porting to Java, but can we really blame Java for the mess that is
called "Eclipse".... ehhhh.... nope.
Eclipse was never implemented in Smalltalk. Its predecessor, VisualAge
for Java (and parts of the other VisualAge family members) was. Eclipse
was started as a replacement for VisualAge for Java because Java
develoers didn't like VisualAge for its emulation of an image based
environement. It was a very nice IDE for Java (the best I've known), but
it wasn't a nice home for developers who think in files.
These days Eclipse, IMO, does emulate an image as good as possible, but
nobody cares anymore, because it hides the fact and lets you think in
files ;-)