I think that there are some communities that are more receptive of live
coding, beyond programmers. Scientist, journalists, hacktivists, data
visualizers, musicians, come to mind and I have a better experience and
more openness to live coding with them that with the "classical
programmer/coder". With our recent Data Journalism Handbook, adaptation
in Grafoscopio [1] and our recurrent Data Week hackathon+workshops[2],
we're trying to reach new audiences and communities.

[1] http://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/mapeda/
[2] http://mutabit.com/dataweek/



On 07/10/17 07:40, Dimitris Chloupis wrote:
> Yes I agree with this
> Pharo is a live coding BASED enviroment. For Pharo live coding is not
> just an easy to use feature it based its entire mentality around the
> idea of live coding.
> Even though Smalltalk borrowed live coding and image format from Lisp
> we are more "pure" in that regard even compared to Lisp. 
> But one thing to note here is that live coding is not really that
> useful when used always. At least for me I rely a lot on it for
> debugging and experimenting. But when I work based on a plan , or code
> just works I do not care so much about it. 
> So my workflow in the end is semi-live coding because I dont feel I
> need live coding 24/7 to be super productive. 
> Of course that creates some barriers in the end when tools are not
> made to work 24/7 on a live coding context. To that extend Pharo is
> definetly superior and a true live coding enviroment.
> You are suprised that you can do live coding in C++ but I was trully
> shocked. 
> My saga to do live coding in C++ started as a joke, something to use
> to mock C++ ugliness and weakness. But oh boy it did slap it back to
> my face. 
> The process is again simple, you wrap eveything inside a main loop,and
> call in this loop functions (C has no objects obvious) or methods if
> you use C++ from DLLs. Those DLLs obviously contain 99.9% of your
> code. Because a DLL can be reloaded it allows you not to stop
> executing and replace code on the fly. The main loop is wrapped inside
> an exception to make sure the an error will never crash your
> application, C/C++ exceptions are more powerful than Pharo live coding
> in that regard because in Pharo if you do anything bad with UFFI and
> crash it , it will crash for sure. 
> If you keep the DLL small and  you use tons of small dlls your compile
> times will be almost instantenous. You can also with very view lines
> detect date signature change in source file and trigger background
> compilation. Again few lines of code. The last mountain is live state,
> in this case the executable pass a single pointer and instead of the
> executable handling the memory its actually the dlls that handle it
> but the executable because it cannot crash or exit will keep the live
> state running. You can also use memory mapped file to store live state
> as they perform pure memory dumps. 
> All in all you will end up with 100 lines of code that can be wrapped
> into a library and reused in the next project with zero setup. Its an
> one time pain. 
> Will I would recommend C++ over Pharo for live coding .... helll
> no.... C++ obviously misses a hugely important live coding ingredient
> which is reflection. We do live coding because we want to interact
> with those objects ask questions about what is going on and why our
> code does not work as intended
> However Python has no such limitation following a very similar design
> to Smalltalk and being much more powerful language than C++. Python
> follow very closely the Smalltalk paradigm even though there is not a
> single mention of Smalltalk , anywhere in the Python community or of
> live coding.
> Live coding in C++ has become a huge deal in game development mainly
> because game development tend to want to change things on the fly and
> games are so big with extremely long compile times. Unreal has made a
> huge deal over its ability to hot reload C++  code in its editor ,
> though I do not like its approach so much.
> Bottom line is yes its easy and simple to do live coding in other
> languages, not recommended so much in C++ because of its static
> compiled nature and lack of reflection but for dynamic language like
> Python it can come pretty close and I speak from experience. 
> At least I have not found something in Python that made me wish I was
> live  coding in Pharo so far, but then yes I still think its better to
> have a full blown live coding. Also from my limited understanding I
> have figured out that pretty much every language out there allows for
> reloading code which is pretty much a very large requirement for live
> coding. 
> So yes you can live code to an extend, lesser in languages like C++ ,
> more so in language like Python, Ruby etc. Can you get the Pharo
> experience ? In a dynamic language with the creation of a live coding
> library you could get pretty close but never exactly the same.
> Pharo still is the undisputed king of live coding. 
> Why live coding is not a huge thing in coding in general, I am willing
> to bet it has more to do with coder mentality than language
> limitation. When you are used to "dead  code" workflow it difficult to
> switch. I struggle a lot to get use to the live coding workflow of
> Pharo because I had to rewire my brain. But in the end you cannot
> avoid live coding, there will be always scenarios you would want to
> change things on the fly, reload code, store live state etc. 
> In the end it more a coder flaw than it is a language flaw. I know we
> love to blame languages for our mistakes. 
> But in our back of our head we all know we debate over languages that
> we barely use only 0.000001% of their true potential. We are too lazy
> and sometimes we need someone to slam our face to the truth to
> actually see it. And by we I dont mean the Pharo community but human
> nature by itself.  That's exactly what Pharo did for me that motivated
> me exploring live coding in other languages. 
> If it was not for Pharo I would still be doing the old slow method of
> correct, compile, restart and repeat till you hate yourself. 
> On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 1:57 PM horrido <horrido.hobb...@gmail.com
> <mailto:horrido.hobb...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     > My point is that indeed you can do with EASE live coding in a
>     numerous
>     languages, at least to my experience. I have tried only Python and
>     C/C++.
>     Until I came upon this thread, I never knew you could do live
>     coding in
>     Python and C/C++. And I was a professional C/C++ programmer for
>     over 15
>     years!
>     It is certainly a well-kept secret. I have found very little
>     information on
>     the web about doing live coding in these languages (in fact,
>     none). This
>     leads me to believe that the vast majority of Python and C/C++
>     developers
>     don't know about, or don't do, live coding.
>     Whether it's "easy" is rather subjective. I suspect it's not as
>     easy nor as
>     convenient as in Pharo. If it were, then live coding ought to be
>     much more
>     prevalent in the Python and C/C++ communities. After all, what
>     developer
>     doesn't want to improve their productivity or increase their
>     velocity of
>     development?
>     The key differentiator here, I think, is that live coding is baked
>     into
>     Pharo/Smalltalk, thus making it natural to use. It is not natural
>     for Python
>     and C/C++ programmers. It would be difficult to convince the IT
>     industry to
>     adopt live coding en masse.
>     --
>     Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

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