
Please add a direct link to the Pillar chapter on the integration server


The current link on the Pharo books web site is broken and this seems
to be the main piece of documentation about Pillar.


On 8/26/17, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <offray.l...@mutabit.com> wrote:
> Thanks for keep me posted about your experiments. I would like to know
> where the current interface doesn't suit your needs/tastes and how easy
> was to use/extend the tool. I think that mind mapping problem would be
> particularly well suited for your GUI approaches.
> Cheers,
> Offray
> On 26/08/17 14:53, Dimitris Chloupis wrote:
>> mind mapping is an interest of mine too, though i never tried to make
>> one app for it yet. Ok will see if I will go down the Grafoscopio
>> route and will keep you posted. I was thinking using it as an in-image
>> interface for the wiki.
>> On Sat, Aug 26, 2017 at 10:15 PM Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
>> <offray.l...@mutabit.com <mailto:offray.l...@mutabit.com>> wrote:
>>     That would be pretty interesting and yes, it is under MIT.
>>     On custom GUI's I have thought about a mind mapping interface for
>>     Grafoscopio, for presentations. I would like to stretch the
>>     tree/graph metaphor so it can make what we do with different
>>     metaphors right now on "offimatics" (writing, calculation and
>>     presentation), so this custom metaphors are interesting to me.
>>     Cheers,
>>     Offray
>>     On 26/08/17 12:28, Dimitris Chloupis wrote:
>>>     How would you feel if I took grafoscopio and made a custom GUI
>>>     for it, mainly for personal usage ? Does it use the MIT license ?
>>>     On Sat, Aug 26, 2017 at 6:56 PM Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
>>>     <offray.l...@mutabit.com <mailto:offray.l...@mutabit.com>> wrote:
>>>         No it can't. Grafoscopio Markdown nodes just plain text boxes
>>>         with Markdown code inside, but I would like to have at least
>>>         syntax hightlighting for it. What Grafoscopio can do is to
>>>         traverse a tree and process node headers as markdown titles,
>>>         footnotes and others to produce a flat Markdown file to be
>>>         processed by Pandoc. Also, thanks to special %metadata nodes
>>>         in the tree, Grafoscopio can control & feedback the Pandoc
>>>         command line options *inside* the notebook, increasing
>>>         reproducibility, just by using plain Pharo dictionaries and
>>>         dynamic arrays. Then, you can use the Notebook menu to export
>>>         as PDF by running such options from the GUI.
>>>         Cheers,
>>>         Offray
>>>         On 26/08/17 10:31, Dimitris Chloupis wrote:
>>>>         Grafoscopio can display markdown files ?
>>>>         On Sat, Aug 26, 2017 at 5:38 PM Offray Vladimir Luna
>>>>         Cárdenas <offray.l...@mutabit.com
>>>>         <mailto:offray.l...@mutabit.com>> wrote:
>>>>             Dimitris,
>>>>             I understand your practical reasons to have Markdown
>>>>             over Pillar and in fact I have advocated several of
>>>>             them. As I have said, Markdown ubiquity for complete
>>>>             documentation workflows (including complete books) is
>>>>             similar to git ubiquity for code. Despite having other
>>>>             personal preferences in markup and DVCS, I think is
>>>>             strategic to give them support in Pharo, without
>>>>             precluding any work on our own tools (Monticello,
>>>>             Metacello, Pillar, etc.).
>>>>             I'll try to make some experiments with integration of
>>>>             Documenter in Grafoscopio and Markdown. They'll advance
>>>>             slowly, because time constrains now that I'm trying to
>>>>             finish my thesis, but once a week I'll try to show
>>>>             advancements and make questions.
>>>>             Cheers,
>>>>             Offray
>>>>             On 26/08/17 01:55, Dimitris Chloupis wrote:
>>>>>             As I said the format is not so important for me, the
>>>>>             reason why I chose markdown instead of pillar is
>>>>>             because you can edit it using github web interface
>>>>>             making it easier. The books will continue to use
>>>>>             Pillar, because making a book is obviously a lot more
>>>>>             sophisticated than creating a wiki that mainly has web
>>>>>             links to various internet locations. Pillar already can
>>>>>             export to markdown , latex, html and through latex it
>>>>>             can also export to pdf.
>>>>>             After Stef requested it, I moved the wiki inside the
>>>>>             pharo git repository here
>>>>>             https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo
>>>>>             I also added a link to it inside the git wiki of pharo
>>>>>             https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/wiki
>>>>>             On Sat, Aug 26, 2017 at 2:17 AM Offray Vladimir Luna
>>>>>             Cárdenas <offray.l...@mutabit.com
>>>>>             <mailto:offray.l...@mutabit.com>> wrote:
>>>>>                 So, we're going to have Markdown for the wiki and
>>>>>                 probably for documentation (via GitBooks)..., which
>>>>>                 is not surprising considering the vast amount of
>>>>>                 support such documentation format has and the
>>>>>                 extensions for a complete documentation toolchain
>>>>>                 and features. As I said, I think that is an
>>>>>                 important syntax and we should put Scholarly/Pandoc
>>>>>                 Markdown in the radar for documentation support in
>>>>>                 Pharo. Is what I'm doing with Grafoscopio and now
>>>>>                 that Pillar support is again taking momentum, the
>>>>>                 infrastructure there (parsers, highlighters,
>>>>>                 editors) could be extended to support Pandoc's
>>>>>                 Markdown.
>>>>>                 I'll keep you posted.
>>>>>                 Cheers,
>>>>>                 Offray
>>>>>                 On 24/08/17 17:59, Dimitris Chloupis wrote:
>>>>>>                 On Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 11:32 PM Stephane Ducasse
>>>>>>                 <stepharo.s...@gmail.com
>>>>>>                 <mailto:stepharo.s...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>                     You have Netstyle/Workflow too.
>>>>>>                 done
>>>>>>                 "Why are you using markup documents to create the
>>>>>>                 wiki when you could
>>>>>>                 use Github wiki itself?
>>>>>>                 For portability?"
>>>>>>                 good question. Yes for flexibility , another
>>>>>>                 reason however is that Github wiki is a separate
>>>>>>                 repo and I did not want that because in the very
>>>>>>                 back of my head I am considering the option of
>>>>>>                 creating software to allow access to wiki from
>>>>>>                 inside Pharo and I wanted to be all (content and
>>>>>>                 code) in the same repo. Its a very low priority
>>>>>>                 for now.
>>>>>>                 Also Github wiki is basically the same as I am
>>>>>>                 doing with some extra format (table of contents) ,
>>>>>>                 in my case I dont care because Github allows me to
>>>>>>                 define HTML templates that will format the wiki
>>>>>>                 webpage and make it look a a lot more polished
>>>>>>                 that pharo wiki looks like. Generally there are
>>>>>>                 some cool stuff you can do with Markdown and
>>>>>>                 Github , plus the fact that markdown can embed
>>>>>>                 HTML etc.
>>>>>>                 There is also the option of Gitbook which has some
>>>>>>                 nice features for generating polished and well
>>>>>>                 structured documentation.
>>>>>>                 So I like to keep my options open. For now I am
>>>>>>                 focusing 100% on content.

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