Just To You,  :-)
Symbol  ,  a sign with some meaning in nature language.
eg, #% = percent, #$ = dollar.
 2.  '$%%&' asSymbol     >>>>    no meaning

symbol as a message should have his meaning. defined in its method.
a message should let programmer know what to do.

I come from China , My English is poor.



在 2017-02-13 07:26:05,"john pfersich" <jpfers...@gmail.com> 写道:

BUT There are not compliant below
1.    '     ' asSymbol     >>>>    no meaning
2.  '$%%&' asSymbol     >>>>    no meaning
3.  'sign' asSymbol = 'sign ' asSymbol   >>>  false because of space.
3. '  one two  three ' asSymbol              >>>    I think It should become 
three symbols = #one, #two, #three

I don't know what you mean by "no meaning', they're symbols.

Try this in a Playground, it works in Pharo 5"

| oc sym filtered|
oc := ' one two  three $%%&' splitOn: ' '.
sym := OrderedCollection new.
oc do: [:each | sym add: each asSymbol].
filtered := OrderedCollection new.
filtered := sym select: [ :each | each ~= #'' ].
Transcript show: sym printString; cr.
Transcript show: filtered printString; cr.

On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 8:56 PM, lb <liangbin...@126.com> wrote:

I know Symbol is subclass of String.        
Any string object can become symbol object by sending 'asSymbol' message..
I think  symbol must has its meaning in comon use, so the symbol should be 
composed of alphabet or number ‘without space“.

BUT There are not compliant below
1.    '     ' asSymbol     >>>>    no meaning
2.  '$%%&' asSymbol     >>>>    no meaning
3.  'sign' asSymbol = 'sign ' asSymbol   >>>  false because of space.
3. '  one two  three ' asSymbol              >>>    I think It should become 
three symbols = #one, #two, #three

Mybe my understanding is wrong.

Bing Liang

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