Hi Ben,
Thank you very much, your answer make me clear like water.
My question aimed on where, which type errors occur when perform a message.
My usecase.
when perform: aMessage(with a space), get DNU error , cannot find out  by eyes 

asMessage is better than asSymbol.

Cheers  Bing
At 2017-02-12 00:39:55, "Ben Coman" <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
>Hi Bing Liang,
>Thanks for your comments.  Fresh eyes provide interesting perspectives
>on things we take for granted.
>On Sat, Feb 11, 2017 at 4:41 PM, lb <liangbin...@126.com> wrote:
>> Thank you, Sven
>> gradually clear.
>> 1. Symbol as String subclass, only guarantees a symbol object only one in
>> system, use ==;
>> 2. keywords (selector name method name)  are spectial symbols, without space
>> or forbided characters;
>> 3. perform: aSymbol, means perform: aKeyword,
>Not exactly.  It means perform a "message" where there are three types
>of messages...
>* unary, like #printString
>* binary, like #+
>* keyword, like #perform: or
>having a colon appended to each keyword
>>  Should we add asKeyword to String,
>> let
>> perform: aString asKeyword
>or alternatively per above...  perform: aString asMessage
>>  not
>> perform: aString asSymbol ?
>In the case that aString contained a space,
>presumably #asMessage would produce a runtime error in asMessage
>whereas #asSymbol would produce a runtime error in #perform:
>I guess there is a minor benefit of failing early but will that make
>much difference in practice.
>Do you have a use case where it makes a major difference?
>> At 2017-02-11 15:51:49, "Sven Van Caekenberghe" <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:
>>>Hi Bing,
>>>Yes, any character is allowed in a Symbol. There is even special syntax
>>> that allows such Symbols to be represented literally.
>>>'a b' asSymbol.
>>>  => #'a b'
>>>Although it might be confusing, I don't see any problem.
>>>The concept of 'meaning' is defined by the user, the usage, not by the
>>> Symbol itself. A Symbol with a space cannot be a selector (message/method)
>>> name, but that does not mean a Symbol with a space could not be useful in
>>> some other context.
>>>> On 11 Feb 2017, at 05:56, lb <liangbin...@126.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I know Symbol is subclass of String.
>>>> Any string object can become symbol object by sending 'asSymbol'
>>>> message..
>>>> I think  symbol must has its meaning in common use, so the symbol should
>>>> be composed of alphabet or number ‘without space“.
>Different domains have different common usage.
>IIUC, Smalltalk's definition of symbol is from the 1970s.
>Pharo is not overly constrained by Smalltalk traditions, but there
>must be sufficient gain to balance deviations from consistency with
>other Smalltalks.
>>>> BUT There are not compliant below
>>>> 1.    '     ' asSymbol     >>>>    no meaning
>>>> 2.  '$%%&' asSymbol     >>>>    no meaning
>>>> 3.  'sign' asSymbol = 'sign ' asSymbol   >>>  false because of space.
>>>> 3. '  one two  three ' asSymbol              >>>    I think It should
>>>> become three symbols = #one, #two, #three
>>>> Maybe my understanding is wrong.
>no problem.  Being wrong is a great way to learn ;)
>cheers -ben

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