No, they should be there – I have just not included them yet because I
didn't know which strategy we should use to embed the subtitles. There
will be icons for both slides and video. And now that I have seen that
there are slide.js slides I will use them instead of PDF because this
is snappier in the browser.
Normally they should be on canalU. I should check
and in fact we could give them all your work + our data so that
they publish everything in CanalU.
Would you prefer a 'full', downloadable solution with the videos
and subtitles all on <>?
What do you mean?
See below:
I would like to be able to package it and put it on large USB stick
and send it to all the teachers I know.
This is a cool use case. I just googled, but haven't checked
throughly. This means I will make individual HTML files for the videos
with <video> tags and subtitles in them, and we can download all the
content, open it in a web browser via the file:// protocol and use the
MOOC offline.
We will have to see because embedded the subs measn that it will be
difficult to have subs in spanish and I hope that
we will have spanish speaking people can that help doing that. I cannot
because I do not understand it.
But we could have different versions.
I will make a small wget command line snippet that people can use to
download the whole site recursively and put that on the bottom of the
page. Like on <>.
# Remote HTTP directorie
remote_dir=( "" )
# Local mirror
local_dir=( "/home/aurelien/MOOC/http/" )
if [ ! -d "$local_dir" ]; then
mkdir -p "$local_dir"
cd "$local_dir"
wget -m "$remote_dir" --no-parent -nH --cut-dir=1 -R index.html*
I have a put up a preview on
What do you think?
I love it :)
I'm glad to hear that ;)
-- Siemen
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