Hi Siemen,

Yes I was referring to the idea of including them in the player or linked the st files just like you do with the companions pdf and the videos. Really good work in progress.



On 11/11/16 02:47, Siemen Baader wrote:
Hi Offray,

I'm not sure if this answers your question, but: the French and English subtitle files in .vtt and .srt format are already online in directories like http://rmod-pharo-mooc.lille.inria.fr/MOOC/Videos/W1/C019SD-W1-sous-titres-EN/ and similar. They are linked from the main page under 'videos'. I am looking for a way to include them in the video, that would allow you to switch among them while the video is playing. As I said, this is a preview of work in progress.

What is it that you would like to help with using Amara? Integrating the subtitles or creating new ones in other languages? I'm not sure I totally understand Amara :)


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