On 07/25/2016 03:33 PM, Sean Glazier wrote:
I git you are working with files and text and it does not have the
notion of classes and methods and the value of being able to see the
history of the class / methods.
FileTree is the layer that lives between the directory structure on disk
and the image ... FileTree interprets the directories and files on disk
and creates a snapshot composed of definitions for classes, methods, etc.
Saying that git doesn't have a concept of classes and methods is
equivalent to saying that postrgres (the underlying database engine for
Store i believe) doesn't have the concept of classes and methods :)
It is the tools that matter, not how the bits are written to disk...
Since FileTree stores each method as a file, each method does have
history, as does each of the parent directories (class, package,
project) ...
What is true is that as the tools stand today it isn't possible to
access "method history from git", but it is a tools issue...
It is valuable when needing to understand not just the current
implementation but where it came from. In Store, I could search and
see when a method was present of a class and in what version lets say
it got dropped unintentionally for instance. Even more important I
think is to also note thing like renames and in cincom namespace
renames and moves.
All of this is available from git given the proper tooling ...