Hi Dale,
thanks for aprouving the membership request.
i was talking about a mcz repository. lets say i have myconfig (mcz)
with a baseline, a stable and a development version. the baseline of
that config could eg look like this:
spec project: 'SciSTSpecial' with: [
spec className: 'ConfigurationOfSciSmalltalk';
versionString: #stable;
repository: '
loads: #('Math-DHB-Numerical' 'Math-DHB-wk'].
spec package: 'packA'with: [spec requires: #('SciSTSpecial')].
spec package: 'packB' with: [spec requires: #('SciSTSpecial')].
spec group: 'default' with: #('packA' 'packB').
but that is only an approximation what i want. instead i would like to
do something like this:
spec project: 'SciST' with: [
spec className: 'ConfigurationOfSciSmalltalk';
versionString: #stable;
repository: '
import:#('Math-DHB-Numerical' 'Math-DHB-wk')."but i guess i cant use
that here?"
spec package: 'packA'with: [spec requires: #('Math-DHB-Numerical')].
spec package: 'packB' with: [spec requires: #('Math-DHB-wk')].
spec group: 'default' with: #('packA' 'packB').
and in this case 'packB' would not only first load 'Math-DHB-wk' but
also 'Math-DHB-Numerical' since the baseline of
'ConfigurationOfSciSmalltalk' says that 'Math-DHB-wk' depends on
'Math-DHB-Numerical'. and all this should not only work on the stable
version of 'ConfigurationOfSciSmalltalk' (as defined here in the
baseline), which could eg be overscribed in the development version of
myconfiguration and then eg a different 'Math-DHB-wk' version would be
loaded than in the stable version.
hence i guess my question is essentially, can i always use #import: in a
normal config? the docu is not too informative here. a propos i find the
docu in the old google wiki occasionaly really helpful, i'd appreciate
it if the APIReference & the CustomProjectAttributes (the APIReference
is very often useful) would be saved to the git docu.