Unfortunately #includes: doesn't seem to matter and I still get errors.

I tried to somehow summarize my findings with minimal code & results here

On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 11:31 PM, Werner Kassens <wkass...@libello.com>

> Hi Peter,
> have you looked at metacellos #includes: method?
> from https://code.google.com/archive/p/metacello/wikis/APIReference.wiki :
> "When 'Example-AddOn' is loaded, load 'Example-UI'"
>                 includes: #('Example-UI' );
> werner
> On 02/13/2016 11:26 PM, Peter Uhnák wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have the following situation:
>> I have ProjectMain, and ProjectPlugin, now normally the Plugin depends
>> on Main, however I would like to load Plugin as part of Main.
>> The problem is that I can't specify to load Plugin after Main has been
>> already fully loaded, if I do something like this
>> BaselineOfMain>>baseline: spec
>> <baseline>
>> spec
>> for: #common
>> do:
>> [ spec
>> baseline: 'Plugin'
>> with: [ spec
>> repository: '...';
>> loads: #('default' OR 'plugin') ].
>> spec
>> package: 'Main' with: [ spec requires: #(more stuff) ];
>> spec group: 'default' with: #('Main').
>> specgroup: 'complete' with: #('default' 'Plugin') ]
>> The BaselineOfPlugin has two groups… "default", which loads also "Main",
>> and "plugin", which doesn't.
>> Now the problem is that there is no guaranteed way that Plugin will load
>> after Main (in fact the should happen). If I load the plugin's #default,
>> then Metacello ends up in an endless loop for some reason, and if I load
>> #plugin, then it will load it before the Main which will break it
>> (because Plugin has dependencies on main).
>> So my question is:
>> is it possible to reverse it somehow?
>> Maybe add at the end `specpostLoadDoIt: #postLoadPlugins`, and then in
>> that method manually load the plugins with Metacello/Gofer? Or is there
>> a better way?
>> Thanks,
>> Peter

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