
Here's an example of the use of #import:provides: from my tests that might be in the area you are interested in:

    for: #'common'
    do: [
      spec description: self name , '>>configuration092Issue63:'.
        baseline: 'External'
          with: [
'github://dalehenrich/external:' , MetacelloScriptingResource externalCustomSHA
                    , '/repository' ];
        package: 'GoferBar'
          with: [
                file: 'GoferBar-lr.1';
                requires: 'External-Core';
repository: 'dictionary://Metacello_Gofer_Test_Repository' ];
        package: 'GoferFoo'
          with: [
                file: 'GoferFoo-lr.2';
                requires: 'External-Tests';
repository: 'dictionary://Metacello_Gofer_Test_Repository' ];
        import: 'External' provides: #('External-Core' 'External-Tests') ]

the feature was create for use with baseline project refs and my test cases all involve baselines, but I don't think that the feature is necessarily restricted to use with baseline projects ... BTW, the #import:provides: was created so that you could import specific packages/groups from more than one baseline and to also avoid importing group names from a baseline that may already exist in the project ...


On 2/16/16 10:04 AM, Werner Kassens wrote:
Hi Dale,
since you are reading this forum, may i ask you another qestion here (btw i asked for access to the metacello forum, i dont know, a year ago or so but didnt get it)? assumed i have a project (with a config) in a baseline and several packages in that baseline with dependencies on specific packages of this project. with that #import: method i could model this dependencies of course, but i guess #import: is only for git-baselines, or? if this is correct, is there a possibility to model these dependencies without making a special project for each of these? or simpler: project consists of packA & packB, my baseline consists of project (only via its config) and packC & packD, packC depends on packB, and packD depends on packA. now i want to load eg packD via my baseline and this should of course load also packA but not packB. (and no git involved.)

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