Excerpts from Thierry Goubier's message of 2015-12-07 09:33:37 +0100: > > > There are versions already for methods. So the functionality is there. > > only if i save them in monticello though, and i can't just switch the > > version of a single method, only the whole changeset at once. in git i can > > limit browsing to a specific file, and then copy an old version of a file > > into the current workspace. it is a bit crude, but it can be done. i don't > > see that kind of functionality in pharo. the data is there, but the tools > > to use the data in this specific manner are not. > They are there: I implemented and demoed what you describe as a need over > git a few years ago when I started GitFileTree [1]. > http://forum.world.st/Pharo-dev-Versions-Browser-over-gitfiletree-tp4695490.html
oh, i had no idea. that looks great. i hope i can find some time to look at this soon. > Then, probably over more than a year ago, Dale Henrich implemented a lot > more in his environment (tode). > > Now, what we may conclude is that the need may not be that great. well, part of the problem may be that things like these are hard to find. worse, unless you know that such functionality exists, you would not think to look for it. now i know, and now (well, soon :-) i will look! then the next question is, how do we get more people to be aware of this. adding it to pharo core would be one way, but probably a better solution would be to further improve the catalog browser so that i can see categories and drill those down. (i see that there are quite some improvements already in pharo 5, so maybe someone is already working on that) greetings, martin. -- eKita - the online platform for your entire academic life -- chief engineer eKita.co pike programmer pike.lysator.liu.se caudium.net societyserver.org secretary beijinglug.org mentor fossasia.org foresight developer foresightlinux.org realss.com unix sysadmin Martin Bähr working in china http://societyserver.org/mbaehr/